“Happy” and excited!

happy and excited

Hello again,

The last few months have been very exciting as Maria and I continue to put our own special stamp on the practice. We have new internal signage that we are proud of and a relatively new Facebook page that we would love you all to “like”. Specialist new optical equipment has been ordered and is on the way.

For those of you don’t know (or in other words have been lucky enough not to have your consult disturbed by barking), I get to bring my dog “Happy” to work every day. The picture attached is of her hanging out in her sunnies. She acts as a good guard dog for myself and Maria, although if I’m honest, I have to admit that she hasn’t learnt yet that she doesn’t have to guard me from Maria. A public thank you to Maria for putting up with the barking! I got her from the pound and I am pretty sure something bad has happened in the past, making her extremely protective of me. If you see us walking down the street at lunch time, steer clear!

Happy is the face of our new Facebook advertising campaign and if you head to our Facebook page (Brays Optique) you will see the latest pictures of her modelling some straight and not so straight glasses! You know they say dogs and children are the hardest things to work with and they weren’t wrong. Many liver treats go into the making of an advertising campaign!

On a final note for this blog, for those of you wondering, Elizabeth’s health is stable and I continue to see her on a regular basis, always taking your well wishes and regards with me when I go. She is delighted that her two staff bought the practice and is very pleased to hear of our progress.

Don’t forget if you want to make an appointment, ask me a question, or just order some more contact lenses you can call me, email me or just drop by the shop.  All the details are on our contact us page.

Thank you as ever for your ongoing support. I really appreciate it. In my next blog, I think I’ll feature some of my favourite frames (that’s if they haven’t been sold!).

See you soon!
